Monday, September 08, 2014


Number 1 brings its vibrations of individuality and uniqueness, creation, new beginnings, ambition and will power, motivation, insight and initiative, inspiration and intuition. Number 1 encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 8 adds its influences of good judgement and discernment, inner-wisdom, personal authority, achieving material success, manifesting wealth and positive abundance, and the concept of karma; the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 9 resonates with the qualities of the Universal Spiritual Laws, leadership and leading life as a positive example for others, strength of character, benevolence and generosity, service to humanity and lightworking. Number 9 also relates to endings, conclusions and closure.  

Angel Number 1891 encourages you to begin a new phase of your life that sees you being of service to others and humanity as a lightworker. Your positive attitude and affirmations regarding your Divine life purpose will bring about opportunities to serve as your soul dictates. Allow blessings to enter your life and use them to your advantage and for the benefit of others. As you serve your soul purpose you automatically manifest ‘good’ on all levels. Expect to find success in all that you put your heart and soul towards.

Angel Number 1891 may be indicating that now is a most auspicious time to look to new employment or a change of career or profession. You may be considering putting your spirituality to good use by beginning (or expanding) a spiritually-based practice, career/profession or service-based project. It is time to release the old so that you can work from your heart doing something that you love. A fresh approach to a new creative project or venture will come up with some stunning results.

Angel Number 1891 tells you that your natural lightworking skills and talents are much needed by the world, and it is time to fully live your passions and soul purpose. Your angels support and surround you with love and encouragement and your life purpose is fully supported financially, and you do not need to worry about money. As you serve your soul mission, the Universe provides. 

Don’t waste your time waiting for others to tell you what to do and how to live your life. You know your own heart and mind and you are the one living your life, so have faith in yourself and your choices and actions. Be true to yourself and live your life according to who you truly are, rather than what you think others may expect of you. Live up to your own potential. Honour the qualities, traits and talents that make you unique.

Number 1891 relates to number 1 (1+8+9+1=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.
