Monday, August 15, 2011


Number 316 is a combination of the attributes of number 3, the energies of number 1 and the vibrations of number 6. Number 3 resonates with growth and expansion, optimism and enthusiasm, creativity, self-expression and communication, encouragement and assistance. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters, and indicates that they are around you, assisting when asked and helping you to focus upon the Divine spark within yourself and others and are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within. Number 1 contributes its vibrations of optimism, intuition and inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, motivation and activity, new beginnings and starting afresh, striving forward and progress. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 6 relates to possessions and the material and monetary aspects, home and family, love and nurturing, service and domesticity, responsibility and reliability, finding solutions, grace and gratitude, and honesty and integrity.

Angel Number 316 is a message to shift your focus from the financial and material aspects of your world to your inner spirituality and to what you really want to do with your life. Use your own inner-radar and discern what resonates with you (and what does not), live your truth, walk your walk and talk your talk. Be true to yourself and do not fear stepping out of your comfort zone in order to make full use of your natural skills and talents in positive and uplifting ways. Listen to your intuitive messages and take on new ventures and/or projects with enthusiasm and optimism.  
Angel Number 316 is a message to trust that your home and family will be catered for and material needs will be met as required. Keep your focus on practical things and release any fears of lack or loss to your angels for transmutation and healing. Your angels support and encourage you to keep your thoughts, prayers and expectations optimistic and positive as this will assist with manifesting your desiresHappiness is a part of your Divine mission.

Angel Number 316 also asks you to look at the material items in your life and decide what is no longer positively serving you. De-clutter your life and donate or sell off material items that could be of practical use to others. 

Number 316 relates to number 1 (3+1+6=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. I am scared at how spot on this is. I can't stop seeing 3:16. I Googled it which led me hear. The last month I feel I have had an enlightenment. I visualized which job I wanted and sacrificed pay for less stress. I manifested my happiness job. All I talk about is telling the truth and just today was talking about manifesting your reality. This feels like Im on the right track maybe for once. Don't know why I keep seeing 3:16 until I read this. Amazing. And I am not religious in any way but feel perhaps a bit more spiritual every day. I just hope I'm not a battery and this is all fake. Maybe its a game and I am learning to play better. oh yeah by my watch it is 3:16

    1. dude i keep seeing 3:16 and the number 3 no matter what im doing,even wake up to mess around with things,i tried jerking off at 3,and without noticing the clock,climaxed at 3:16.I mention this only to bring llight to my perspectives.Lately iv been around psychic people and im sure someone or some people did some stuff that might have triggered my sensitiveness to weird stuff.even my birth chart and stuff indicate iv reached a dead end,which i only found out recently regardless of realising the stalemate im in so to say.Now reading your experience,things come to a much closer hopeful outlook...

    2. I also always see the numbers 3:16. No matter if it is day or night I can look at the clock and it always is 3:16. I also wondered what it mean, so I google it and it lead me to this page.

    3. I seeng 16:03 for years. it is date of my birthday

    4. It's a number I've seen so often. I love the number 3:16 316 316 since a child. I've been walking with this number, it's like when I see it it's a good sign from God. I winded up here because of the Angel Number 8188. I saw the number so bold on a plate it read Elk 8188 it stuck out and it was on one side of the parking lot then right in front of me so I googled it and I read about it. Angel Numbers.

  2. Omg, my dream came out of dream land and into reality. I have been seeing this number for a while now, I looked at my phone, expecting a call from him, so I decided to just read about this number. It goes with the time and space I am in right now, with definition. We get warning signs from the Universe, Angels, Archangels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters before God lays the plan to you, people please pay attention, this is so amazing to me!

    1. I know exactly what you mean its like mind blowing unbelievable it's happening to me now I see it all over the place can this be some type of message somebody send to me can this be the universe talking to me greater power

  3. I see 316 all over the place. I wake up randomly throughout the night and my alarm clock shows 316, I bought a brand new CD for my car and started playing it and it stopped at 3:16. I picked up my girlfriend from her place once and there was a car in front of her house with a license plate that showed nothing but 316, I've been driving to her place for almost 7 years and I've yet to see that car again. I didn't know what it all meant. After reading this I feel I have some sense of what I need to do although I feel like I've always known. I haven't made the necessary change in my life to get to where I want to be, but everything is a process, right? Desire, courage, aspiration. I want the immaterial to be relevant and I think I know how. Thank You

  4. my name is Jr for the past.months I have been seeing the numbers 3:16 on my phone clock on my microwave clock on my car radio clock I mean all over the place I was confused what could this mean it caught my attention every single time that I will look at the clock 316I thought I was going crazy I started questioning myself what could this possibly mean it's somebody trying to send me message I was even scared to let someone know thinking that they would probably think I was crazy and laugh at me I couldn't sleep tonight just thinking about it and finally I just googled it to see if anything will come up and behold incredible that there's other people out there that see to I'm 35 years old this has never happened to me but it's happening now

  5. I see the numbers 3 16 all over the place

  6. Clearly, we have now entered the time of 316. All these wtinesses are confirming it. When I look at my sky records, it is confirmed. It is everywhere, because it is happening now. Yes, look towards your spirituality and your faith and your trust. There is nothing else. My visions since 2006 are now coming true. Their time is now. Remain centred in faith in the Master of the universe and walk in trust.

    1. For the love of the universe.... I promise y'all.. It's true.I've been having dreams,and visions since 2000.I actually dreamed my daughter's death,but didn't know that's what I was dreaming. In March, 2011,my firstborn child was killed brutally.She was 17years old.On her obituary,I have BIBLE.. basic instruction before leaving earth.John 316.Every since 2012, I've been seeing,and hearing this number EVERYWHERE.and feeling CRAZY amounts of vibrations..i googled this number and WOW... Mind blowing!!!!!😎

    2. Me to amen. The king Is getting ready to return and he is telling us to keep our focus on spirituality instead of this world that is getting ready to pass away!

  7. I was born on 3-16-86 and for the past 13 yrs I have seen it everywhere, like others I would wake up and my phone would say 3:16, I get calls and texts at 3:16 or my calls last for 3 mins 16 sec. I get change and its 3.16 or my total would be that, I've had a shoping bag with it printed on the bottom of it. Keith Urban has a song now about Jon's one being John 3:16... I use to think that I was going to die every year on my bday! It was terrible but over the past years I have come to realise that it's a good thing. Does anybody else think it's strange that there is a community of people experiencing the same occurrences? What does it all mean!?

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may acts as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


    2. It means we are the chosen.
      Also born on 3/16, these numbers have held a high significance throughout my entire life. Partly because our brain remembers pattern, other part pure coincidence but also they are messages. Your angels and guides are with you and they are getting your attention this way. Even people not born on this day but receiving these messages, pay attention.
      Have faith in yourself, for you are number 1.
      We, as humans, have the power to manifest anything, good or bad. Always remember this when thoughts go south.
      If you question something in your life repeatedly or confide in friends about a subject, know that YOU ALREADY HAVE THE ANSWER. We search for a different answer in hopes that things might change. When the reality is, even if it brings you heartache, YOUR answer and instinct will always be the true decision. Sometimes with heartache comes a bigger brighter light, change, positive vibration. Listen to you intuition for it is also your guides nudging you to pay attention right here and right now.
      Manifest your own destiny!
      If you want to test our own strength start with manifesting something small, like hearing from a long lost friend.
      Just like anything, the main ingredient is BELIEF. Believe in yourself and you can move mountains. I am walking proof that we have the power to create an amazing life. Not just by gaining materials but by having a positive attitude which draws in positive people, jobs, and the perks of a positive life.
      By putting out good energy and doing good things we release karmic debt. Our soul will then be able to move forward. Learn from your lessons that life is teaching. Only then will the debt be erased and not repeated.

      Albert Einstein was also born on 3/16....... Think about that for a minute.
      He was chosen.

    3. Why do you say you are proof of the power of a positive mindset? Also what exactly is manifesting?

    4. That's so crazy. I have the same things happening to me and it's been going on for years now and I'm also born on 3/16/1983...I feel like there's some message I'm supposed to be getting.

    5. Same experience here and i am also born 3-16-86

    6. I to was born 3/16/76 and I see the number 316 Llday from the mileage left until on my gas meter to the clock in my home to my watch or when I'm at wk I see the numbers 316..I never understood why I kept seeing the numbers.

  8. I was born on 3-16-86 and for the past 13 yrs I have seen it everywhere, like others I would wake up and my phone would say 3:16, I get calls and texts at 3:16 or my calls last for 3 mins 16 sec. I get change and its 3.16 or my total would be that, I've had a shoping bag with it printed on the bottom of it. Keith Urban has a song now about Jon's one being John 3:16... I use to think that I was going to die every year on my bday! It was terrible but over the past years I have come to realise that it's a good thing. Does anybody else think it's strange that there is a community of people experiencing the same occurrences? What does it all mean!?

  9. Silly me, I thought only repeating digits ie: 11, 111, 1111, etc were angel numbers. I've been seeing 316 for a really long time, I just stared, it didn't click. I had to buy a house with those numbers before it sunk in...

  10. 316 is definitely a part of my life first 3 #s of my doc and my address I see it constantly it was exit 316 to the hospital my baby was and when I was 28 pregnant with my 4th son my other 3 sons 3 1 and 6 at the time 4X7=28 coincidence? 4 7s after 3 6s

  11. Same anonymous I meant first 3 numbers of my social security number not doc and my 1st son was born September 29 2007 my 4th son was born 6 days after the 1st turned 7 in 2014

  12. My birthday is 316 I date a guy birthday is 613 I see are birthday all the time I wonder are we meant to be I love him he just don't love me but we been around each other back and fourth for 8 years now. Thanks for the knowledge I looked up these numbers before but the more I learn other things I'm starting to believe angels are really following me and they have been since I was 8 I heard one one day and ran to my mom I will never run again

    1. I think we are protected and chosen for some reason. My days is 3/1/91 but Jermoil for over 6 yrs before I finalized it. What did it was I googled Jermoil after seeing that number on that day n found the only facebook account name Jermoil Newman who is a Female African American. It's a sign and I know has more purpose than we know of

  13. My birthday is also 3/16 and I am seeing the number multiple times a day, everyday. At first I saw 444 for many years (10 years give or take) Now I see 316 everywhere for the last few years.

  14. My birthday is also 3/16 and I have been seeing the number everyday multiple times for a good year. I used to see the number 444 for 10 plus years but now it's 316. Freaks me out a little.

  15. I have been on this page many times and I have read the article on so many occasions, not because I don’t understand it but rather because it reaffirms what I constantly think about. I especially looked at the second paragraph and where it talks about what you really want to do with your life. And so I decided that I will spend some time in the next year pursuing the things that I actually want to do because I have neglected this aspect of my life. Obviously I won’t be making any drastic and irrational changes only because everything is a process and you have to maintain your current life whilst thinking about what you want that life to actually be.

    The truth is I am not happy…at the moment. There are parts of my life that I struggle with and I often wonder if I belong. I am hoping that through this process I can find closure. We all know what we want and where we want to be, but there is a certain endearing feeling you get when someone or something confirms it for you. I want to do this because I want to truly know. I will continue to come back and read the comments and read the meaning once more and I hope within the next year I would have made some progress. I realize that seeing these numbers is a message but to get to where this message leads I have put in the work. I don’t want this to be a sign anymore, I want it to signify a change and that change starts with me.

    1. Energy flows where focus & attention goes....does that ring a bell?

  16. I've been so very blessed to find this site. I too just HAD to research the meaning behind all of the 316's I'd been seeing for years. Along with finding this I'd also been approached by a clairvoyant while at a doctor's office just 4 months ago. I'd never seen this woman & she was immediately drawn to me & "read" me just like Teresa does in the show "Long Island Medium". She knew things about me that were impossible for her to know. She saw a spectacular pink aura around me, she saw my grandmother to the left of me watching over me, & told me that I smell cigarette smoke often, I chuckled and said yes I do...she said that is your parents that have passed away and this is how they're letting you know that they're with you. This information just now on "316" - is absolutely spot on with what's going on in my life right now. For over 3 years I've been seeing this number, & I always know & feel & sometimes "see" my angels or they let me know they're with me when things move or turn on by themselves. They come to me in dreams. I am very intuitive and have been for over 40 years. Coming out of a domestic violence situation at home, I'd been packing today & packing things to donate to those less fortunate-things I've hung onto for years...and that last paragraph, I am "De-cluttering my life and donate or sell off material items that could be of practical use to others. Shedding the ‘old’ will make way for the ‘new'". I am doing exactly that. Every sentence of what was written without exaggeration is what is transpiring in my life and/or it is the message of guidance that is given that fits me to a "T". I wish that I could find someone that could work with me more directly to help me fine-tune the abilities that I have, my intuitiveness and ability to read the messages that come to me in my dreams. Dreams that have come true, things that I "see" that others don't. I've had this ability since I was about 11 yrs old. The funny thing is, after being "read" by this clairvoyant at the doctor's office just a few months ago, I felt literally lifted off of the seat I was on. I was AT the doctor for a serious issue, she told me "everything will be ok, don't you worry, it's going to be okay" & she smiled at me. When I went in to see the doctor - everything worked out during that visit and the next, to be "ok". I was touched by something, that lifted my spirit, that made me feel and KNOW that I was going to be ok, as there was NO explanation for this woman to know the things that she did about my family-why would I not trust her to tell me I would be okay. Wow, this was a fantastic find, this site that is.

  17. Wow!! I am blown away... As all here have said, I thought I was the only that this has been happening to. Same deal.. Won't look at a clock or my watch for HOURS, and then all of a sudden I look, and there it is - 3:16. Computer clock - same deal. Go to the drive in next door, order some food - and the total? $3.16. I have actually started to write down when it happens, and the circumstance. I went on and pulled up every 3:16 verse in the Bible... I still don't really understand the why's yet, but it's REALLY interesting to know there are so many others out the that experience the same thing. AWESOME!!

  18. I was born 3.16.80 and I've been seeing this number all my life. I told my wife about it and now i see it everyday. Some days i would look at the clock only twice and i would see it 3:16 am and 3:16 pm. Strange but sometimes i wonder if since it is my birthday that i just notice that combination of numbers more often than some random number.

  19. I too was born 316 & I see it everywhere & almost everday. The clock, license plates, signs, ect. Thx for the info on it.

  20. I too was born 316 & I see it everywhere & almost everday. The clock, license plates, signs, ect. Thx for the info on it.

  21. I was born on the 13/6. I have noticed that a large majority of people who have commented on being stalked by 316 also alude to other strange things such as premonitions and intuition. Perhaps the use of such 'powers' leaves a smell behind, that smell being 316? Or perhaps the sightings act as milestones on ones path?- from what force I could not say.

  22. I see it EVERYWHERE! ASCENSION SYMPTOMS! clean up your heart and make way !! You are chosen!!

  23. These are ASCENSION SYMPTOMS!Now clean up your heart,and don't just talk the talk! Live it!Love your brother's and sisters and dont LIE to others or yourself!😉

  24. My birthday is on 3/16/01 and i keep on seeing the number everywhere. I was driving with my dad one day and right when i was going to turn on the radio the time was 3:16. Today I went for a walk with my mom and I looked at a random house number and it was 3160. On the bottom of a page in my school was the number 316. I always see it on the time and it just pops up in random places. Its crazy to think it happens to other people too

  25. Thing is even though this has been a repeated message to me to remove clutter, I'm getting out of things to give away. So I'm going to say it must be about the way I need to organize better.

  26. 2016 has by far been the most up and down emotional year of my life. I have seen 316 every day multiple times of the day since the beginning of this year. I see it on my watch, it'll be the number of emails I have, it'll even been the score I get on a game. I thought it was just a silly coincidence but I am so thankful to have found this site. This whole year I have felt my family fall apart, be with death and other's choices, while other's chose to just turn their backs. I just feel a sense of relief knowing I'm not alone. I can't wait to see how things fall into place and realize how more accurate this information is.

  27. This is happening to me.I am seeing the number 316 on my cellphone in the game overwatch even in a ticket i bouthg something from the store or its 613 its the same but reverse i dont konw why its ben like this for 2 months now.i just read this and i just calm and im not the only one here.

    1. Ok so those numbers are mirrored images look it up it must have something to do with it

  28. Both my wife of 43 years and I hAve seen this number appear when we least expect it, yet have a feeling of newness and inner peace. All ober the last 20 years. I was diagnosed with incurable cancer over 22 years ago and we have been given great Hope . I learned that the biblical reference of 3:16 gives me confidence in my Lord and Savior we have trusted over our lifetimes, yet it more than that alone. We see the number while driving through the gates of Disney world or just glancing at our car or home bed dresser clock. Always at a moment of despair or ectasy !? Along with it, we have observed the number 333 with significance . Reading about the meaning of that Agelic number gives us pause and wonderment. I have learned that it signifies Jesus of Nazareth... A tually born in March on 3rd around 3 AD . We are not religious xooks but traditional RomN Catholics with a deep sense of awe and insight into the world that cannot or will. Not be seen . Blessings upon you all


  29. Peace be the way, my friends.

  30. I believe my spirit guides are reaching me in a very personal way. The first time numerology stood out to me was when the number 11:11 kept following me. After looking it up and seeing everything manifest following my discovery, world
    Has been magical. my guides are using numerology to speak to me. And I get messages everyday. Even when I try to neglect it, it continues to show up.

  31. Kerry... Same here. My DOB is 3/16 and this has been driving me crazy for years now always seeing the number 3:16 everywhere. Lately it's been happening more frequently and showing up in all combinations. So, just today I've decided to look it up. I've always thought it was a sign from out of this world, but by reading everyone's comments I'm really, really starting to truly believe how right we all are. Funny, I would even always play the number 316 in the NY lotto, and crazy enough the morning I didn't play it, My Mom called me at work and told me that the number 316 came out straight. How crazy was that right!?... You can even look it up for last week's pick 3 and you will see it. Anyway, glad to know we're not alone. And if anything, it just feels good to know that we have angels looking over us. Stay Blessed! :-)

  32. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

    It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.

    It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.

  33. wow. i am almost in tears right now. have sought the meaning of my constantly seeing the numbers 3:16. I just recently came upon ascension symptoms and now this. and it all makes perfect sense now. it validates every single emotion i have been feeling recently.Knowing what it means in itself is an inspiration to hearken to what it seeks to tell me...and live it.

  34. I thought i was alone when I saw the number 316 everywhere!wow so many others

  35. Hi I am seeing my birthday every where, especially 24. Sometimes I see it along with the month included. Like 246 or 624. Can any one please help me on what it is suggesting to me.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. If I am reading this just now all I got is it could have something to do with the year 24 😳

  36. The past year (2016) has been very tough especially with me having a high risk pregnancy. So much was done to make sure the baby was safe and able to survive inside the womb. We tried everything to make sure I carried to full term but I still went into labor very early. The doctors were able to to keep the baby in longer and she was born on 3/16. This date is particularly important to my family because my grandfather died on 3/16 many years ago. Fast forward to this month and a lot has happened with my job and it recently came to light that there is a very big disconnect among people which has negatively affected others. I wrote an internal note and without eve realizing I hit the send button at 3:16. I have been fearing whats to come with my job but this past week felt like everything is going to be OK.

  37. Wow I was born on 3/16 also and see these numbers everywhere. People have even commented on the fact that they receive texts from
    Me often on my bday Digits 3:16. Also, just remembered my grandpa also died on 3/16 Mary years ago. Crazy how if fits together.

  38. Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!!♡♡♡

  39. I feel so much better now. My birthday is also 3/16 and I kept seeing it everywhere. I also thought I would die a year on my birthday. Now I know God wants me to pray more and leave all matters in his hands.

  40. Mental! this has been happening to me for about ten years. I'll randomly wake up at 3:16 or I walk down a random street and the only door i look at happens to be 3:16. Or someone I was just thinking about will text me at 3:16. It appears everywhere I don't seem to notice other numbers like I notice this. So to find others is crazy. What is going on?

  41. I promise y'all... This is for real. I use to have very vivid dreams, and visions about my daughter getting killed since 2000.In March 2011,my first born child was killed brutally.In 2012, I started seeing the number 316 EVERYWHERE.On her obituary I put BIBLE. Basic,instruction, before,leaving,earth.john316.i googled the number cause ... You know, I'm seeing it,and experiencing MAJOR vibrations...and wow!!!! Mind blowing😎

  42. Kim-For the past few months, I have been waking up in the middle of the night. You guessed it.... every time I look at my phone to see the time... exactly 3:16am EVERY TIME!! I was recently scammed for a little over $5000.00. This message is really talking to me.

  43. I see 3:16 all the time on clocks daytime also wake up for a few Milly seconds look at bed side clock and see 3:16 so yes it's very weird. I have looked up the 3:16 on Google and found lots of chancers who claim this and that etc etc from angel's getting in touch with me and everything else. Blah blah my opinion is yes it's weird (well very) but I would like to think if it is "GOD" looking after me well I won't turn that down. But at the same time whatever it means to you doesn't make it wrong either. What do I get from it is this "YOU GET ONE LIFE LIVE IT"👍

  44. I just saw 316 on both my gas countdown AND on the clock in my car!!!

  45. 316 shows up several times a week for me. On the clock, when I received an important email or text. How long a important telephone call or video in watching lasts. Total characters in a document. Total on a receipt. An address. The date. A measurement. It's so random but it's always the same number. I've often thought of it as a sign reminding me that God loves me.

  46. I think somehow we are all connected or some sense of chosen spirits and could learn from one another. Idk if its just me whom feels like an outcast but I know from what I've read we all have share having a good heart in this evil world. This angel number is too perfect and shout out to Joanna Sacred Scribes. My grandmother's name is joann and whom is the only person I have to let stay with in these dark times. Im an artist growing to inspire the world. If anything I can do for anyone to support what passion you have then feel free to email me, I'll do what I can. Bless-up!
