Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Number 473 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 4 and number 7 and the influences of number 3. Number 4 resonates with working steadily towards goals and aspirations, truth and integrity, practicality, system and order, self-initiation, building solid foundations and enthusiasm coupled with determination. Number 4 also resonates with the energies of the Archangels. The mystical number 7 vibrates with influences of peace and faith, spiritual awakening, inner-knowing and understanding others, learning and education, psychic and intuitive abilities, dignity and refinement, persistence of purpose and good fortune. Number 3 brings its attributes of growth and expansion, sensitivity, self-expression and communication, creativity, joy and optimism. Number 3 resonates with the Ascended MastersThe Masters are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within.  

Angel Number 473 indicates that the determined work and effort, positive intentions and actions you have taken, and the forethought and responsibility you have shown has ensured that you have built solid foundations for yourself and others and your efforts will be rewarded.
The angels also encourage you to study and continue learning as the additional information and experience will accelerate the fruition of your goals and aspirations.  Give any concerns about having the means to go forward with your education as the angels will ensure that you will have all that you need when you need it.  
Angel Number 473 indicates that the angels are close by your side, supporting, guiding and assisting you whenever you ask. You have a strong connection with your personal spirituality and the angelic and spiritual realms, and you are encouraged to listen to and take heed of your intuition and the guidance from the angels in order to glean assistance and insight as to the next steps to take along your path.  

Be patient with yourself and others and know that we are all on a spiritual journey. Express yourself in positive and uplifting ways.

Number 473 relates to number 5 (4+7+3=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Tip: give yourself a pat on the back BUT never accept that "you're there". Theres no end point! No end cap! Theres always more we can learn and always more to grow! Thats the game! Embrace where you are currently and strive for more growth. Sometimes when you accept that you got where toy are, you can stop growing. As albert Einstein says "When you stop learning you start dying"

  2. Thank you Angels for 473 ...you've helped me so much along the way. Encouraging and uplifting. #1Fan
