Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Number 69 is a combination of the vibrations of the number 6 and number 9. Number 6 adds its attributes of providing for home and family, the material aspects of life, responsibility, adjustment, solutions, grace, gratitude, dignity, co-operation and compromise, and unconditional love. Number 9 carries the energies of communication, inner-strength, humility, leadership, intuition and inner-wisdom, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, endings and conclusions, charity, altruism and benevolence, humanitarianism, the Universal Spiritual Laws, your Divine life purpose and lightworking.

Angel Number 69 is a message from your angels that it is time for you to detach yourself from your material possessions and items, particularly if you have an obsession with anything in particular. Your angels ask you to ‘let go’ and ‘release the old’. It is a message that assures you that whatever leaves your life at this time will be replaced with ‘new’ and ‘better’. Be open to receiving all that you deserve as you are ready for an upgrade in your life.

Angel Number 69 also suggests that an important phase or cycle is ending in your life, and this is happening for very karmic reasons. These necessary endings and closures will lead you to find your true life path and purpose which you are prompted to fully undertake. Your angels encourage you to get to work on your Divine life purpose and soul mission safe in the knowledge that all of your monetary and material needs will be met along the way. As you focus on and spend your time energy and efforts on your spiritual interests and passions, the Universe will provide for your needs. Give any fears or concerns to your angels for healing and transmutation and be prepared to live your spiritual truths.  

Number 69 also relates to number 6 (6+9=15, 1+5=6) and Angel Number 6.

See also:

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. As we grow up, we start accumulating expectations of our family, friends and the society around us. We are conscious of what we are expected to do and how we are expected to behave. I'm exploring personal life coaching and it is a wonderful journey of self discovery.

    2. I'm finding myself homeless at the moment,moved everything into a storage unit, sold what I could to downsize to a smaller cheaper space. I noticed 69 pooping up a lot lately and my new storage number is N269, and that's why I looked it up. Very very fitting, and encouraging. Thank you for all your labor, heart, and faithfulness in what you do. Thank you!

    3. 69 is a contradictory (opposite) number it means both good and evil. One os UP the other one is DOWN! And it is evidently often used by Demons. The paintings on this page are filled with fallic symbols and they most certainly do not come from God our Saviour who is PURITY. THAT IS ALL and period!!!
      HOpefully when we die the last thing we want to have to torture us ... and since we do not want any torture after death we not need this phalus-es like they are all over the modern drawings on this page !!!
      Once I die I hope to encounter paradise ... without sexism and $$$ both the root of all evil.

    4. it’s yin and yang balancing , masculine and feminine energies coming together in harmony :)

    5. I keep seeing the number over and over ..every time I look at my phone or iPad it’s at 69% among other times I seen the number. I got numerous screenshots of my iPad while it’s at 69%

    6. That's EXACTLY what's been happening to me. But only when involved with 1 of 2 men in my life. One of whom is gone permanently. Funny thing is.... bith are from Kentucky. Both Virgos. Feminine sign. I'm a Gem. Masculine sign. So the male/female balance makes sense to me.


  2. Does it also refer to detaching oneself from people? I'm really into this girl, but things aren't working out for various reasons and I ended up saying my goodbyes. It hurt a lot, we were best friends but she was more to me... I think maybe I was more to her but its complicated. Known her for a year, would do anything for her. Been seeing 69 s lot since, but I really don't want it to be goodbye forever or have it end. Apart from this, a lot of 474 and 44(4).

    1. Ithurts: i am currently in your EXACT same situation.. i see 69 each and everyday.. for you this happened on 2013.. so how are things now.. how are both of you now.. i also kind off said a goodbye.. its like she told me to not keep in touch with her for a while.. even though hoping that we will still become friends or more than just friends.. i dont know my friend.. some days it hurts so much.. so how things end for you.. good or bad.. or did something much better happened in your life.. pls reply.. :-)

    2. If you still see this number and it's been more than 6 months just wait and watch your next worst few months, hard time might stretch a lil bit.
      Embrace yourselves!

    3. I was pursuing the man of my life past one year and totally obsessed with him and past two days I gave upand he flew off overseas and suggested we don't keep in touch and I felt sad and gave up ... I witnessed 69 one after another practically whole day today maybe 10 times in the traffic .. Too strong to be true !!

    4. i saw 69 in two relationships,the first one was a narcissist and angels were telling me to detach from her,in the current relationship i see the same number,it means whenever u are seeing 69 leave whatever you are doing,be it a relationship.i think i might just end up this relationship too.

    5. Let go of the old and make space for the new by cultivating your spiritual needs. You will then attract the right person into your life

    6. I have been in this exact situation for almost a year and I have been seeing 69 for a long time, broke up with the only person that has been there for me all the time, but we cannot be together for different reasons. One of which, being always on a long distance relationship. I broke up with her 3 times because I wasn't convinced the message as about her but ended up coming back because I couldn't let her suffer.
      A week ago I stopped talking to her cold turkey and I stopped seeing 69 but now I am seeing new numbers like 96 and 1122

  3. I've been seeing 69 randomly for over ten years.. Im not a believer in new age stuff but I do need help. Because..its still happening.

    1. I hate when people call it new age there is nothing new under the sun there is nothing new about numerology bests ways to understand the universe is through Numbers.

    2. Man I am 16 Yeats old I'm in a high school and my old house was 2269 and my new house number is 5569 and my dad is born in 1969 ,I see my battery percentage at 69% my game score at 69% I got 69% in my science exam ,I went to a mall and the bus number was 69L I am so tired of looking at this number ,and my school locker number is 1069

  4. 69 has always been an important number to me every book I read told me to go to that page and I find something important to read cool huh? Smiles

  5. I've been seing the number 69 ever since I can remember and my curosity brought me here. I still need to reread over and over again to fully understand this kind of situation. It's a big help though. Thanks for this.

  6. Hi, I'm from Republic of Moldova, I searched now on google - 69 magic number, so yoor post apeared as answer. So my friend, yo are not alone, I have the same mystery, I find EVERYWERE number 69, on walls, on web, on the streets, in phonenumbers, in books, At television, practically everywere, 5-10 times/day. It's real amazing and so special, I want to talk more about this magic number with you. Find me on skype: radu.beckham

  7. I’m 61 years old. I’ve written a lot about Angels and Spiritual things over these past 9 years. I think I can speak to (almost) every one of these above comments here. In 1969 I was with a girl. She broke it off. Fast forward 40 years later, she came back (under false circumstances) complicating my life even further. This second break up led me straight to meeting another (real) woman. (At the time) I “kicked this new proverbial can down the road” (of disbelief). 3 years later circumstances put us face to face. That’s when I discovered she was born in 69 and is 44 years old. #69 is an old surfer’s code for Ying and Yang. (Today) I see it as (perhaps) not one side or the other, but rather the centerline (of transforming) to the other side. This morning I had quite a series of revelations (based on the past 24 hrs. with other people). This led me from one thing to another, and combined with the recent #69 on many Lotto numbers I decided to research this number again. I have to wholeheartedly concur with Joanne’s Sacred definition here as true and correct, (which) was in fact my revelation today. “Truth” is the key to our searches for answers from the Divine. What other thing could they ask from us except “Truthiness” which leads to Health, Happiness and Heaven right here on Earth, (within our own minds and hearts)? Jettison the old and unhealthy habits and beliefs and search for the whole truth and facts. You will not regret it. In fact you may have some astonishing revelations of you own.

    1. Hi Tim, i am facing the same situation now which "Ithurts" commented about.. "Does it also refer to detaching oneself from people? I'm really into this girl, but things aren't working out for various reasons and I ended up saying my goodbyes. It hurt a lot, we were best friends but she was more to me... I think maybe I was more to her but its complicated. Known her for a year, would do anything for her. Been seeing 69 s lot since, but I really don't want it to be goodbye forever or have it end. Apart from this, a lot of 474 and 44(4)."

      I just thought of maintaining some distance from her.. her only told me to keep distance for a while, not to text, meet, or call her.. i feel like doing what she want.. but i dont know how this will end.. am seeing 69 since things starts getting little messing with her.. we were very good friends.. but know, things are little bad.. i want her back in my life either as a good friends or more than friend.. what does no 69 means in this context?? pls reply. . :-)

    2. Hello ''Anonymous''.
      I just found this website for pretty much same reason as everyone else here, I've been seeing the number 69 everywhere and I want to find out what it means.
      I read your two comments here but no one reacted on them, maybe also cos those people wrote their comments a while ago, however I am wondering how you doing with the girl? I've been in relationships like that before, or similar, or totally different, but at end of the day all relationships are same. It's always about two people and love. And to have a good healthy relationship both of you have to be in it 100%, and if one or the other is not sure about it, they get a bit of time to decide, but not that long, I believe if it is a right person you know you want to be with her/him and you don't need any time. Love is pure and if you love someone you always find a way to be together.
      I don't know your story and I don't mean to judge.
      As everyone goes through their life, time to time everyone needs help and sometimes only talk to someone about your problems helps a lot. Im interested in your story and would like to know more.
      Regarding to no 69, what I found it means balance, in my case I see I need to find balance in my life and myself. Maybe it's same for you or maybe you could advice what you have learn or if you find anything interesting.
      Thank you ;)

    3. I hurt here too but i am inclined to state the greatest spiritual gift is love, until this is mastered all other gifts are incomplete.I think it was a trial or test can you go thru all this and still love.yes you can love unconditionally but I have learned to stop the nasty stuff.distance myself away so yes I love my ex utterly and completely but no he is not where I am spiritually so our paths uncross yes I still love but moving on alone.Lonely at times but always loved by my angels and the spirit one with all even my ex.

  8. I typed in a lot of things about my experiances like all of you, but when I tried to login to publish my comment everything got lost somehow short refer Psalm 69 ,I am not religious (just for the record :) and the display name is my email id I made 15 years back (just to point out how obsessed I am with the 'sign 69')

  9. I know a guy on YouTube who calls himself italianlad69.. I think this shed light for me, on who exactly this guy really is all about.

    1. There are many reasons why there are so many Lightworkers on the planet at this time .... and Italianlad69 is one of them/us, shedding light and truths in his own way.


  10. I'm almost in tears as I read this. I've been searching for answers for years. A symbol appeared on my face when I was young. A double s or intertwined snakes OR 6 and 9 connected like a chain. I found answers connected to Kundalini spiritual awakening but this gives me even more uunderstanding. Thank you.

  11. I keep seeing the number 69 when dealing with supplier invoices (that I have to pay and money is very tight). I am also not sure if being born in 1969 has any meaning in this.

  12. Hi Joanne, my name is also joanne. I've been seeing the number 69 for more than a month, ever since i had a crush on someone who named himself on whatsapp 69. Whenever i play a game my money amount is 69something, or something 69 or 699 or 696. At school when we're doing wome exercice it's number 69 or page 69 all the times in different periods. Whenever i look at my phone's battery it's always 69. 2 days ago, my friends and i were raising money to buy a gift fir someone, we only raised 69$. Today i was texting with my friends, i looked at my phone's battery, it was 69%. It became more than a coincidence. So I decided to search on google I typed: " why do i always see the number 69" I started scrolling down the screen, i saw this site. I found it really weird that your name is also joanne between all the name in the word. So i'm telling this story to get people's opinion about it. And oh, I forgot to mention, ever since i've start seeing this number, my really really bad luck became more than a good luck. So what do you think about this. Thank you.

    1. I have the exact same thing it makes me crazy seeing 69 the whole time

    2. I am facing same condition from 3 4 yr college roll no was 69 my phn num .end with 69 ..i join a nw insititute where i got 69 no again..i saw on phn my battery was always 69 ...i see ot everwhere.

  13. Hi Joanne, my name is also joanne. I've been seeing the number 69 for more than a month, ever since i had a crush on someone who named himself on whatsapp 69. Whenever i play a game my money amount is 69something, or something 69 or 699 or 696. At school when we're doing wome exercice it's number 69 or page 69 all the times in different periods. Whenever i look at my phone's battery it's always 69. 2 days ago, my friends and i were raising money to buy a gift fir someone, we only raised 69$. Today i was texting with my friends, i looked at my phone's battery, it was 69%. It became more than a coincidence. So I decided to search on google I typed: " why do i always see the number 69" I started scrolling down the screen, i saw this site. I found it really weird that your name is also joanne between all the name in the word. So i'm telling this story to get people's opinion about it. And oh, I forgot to mention, ever since i've start seeing this number, my really really bad luck became more than a good luck. So what do you think about this.

  14. Hi..
    I looked this up because my mother past away she was very young and crazy how 69 on cars cutting infront of me all the time cheques I was writing I would see 69 its always licence plates all around me on the left the right and infront of me..
    I finally came to one day thinking my mom is a cancer and the sign is a 69 sideways... plus I see sooo many orbs around me constantly mostly at night in my room and when Im at my granddaughters room, most recently we went to a grave site where my gramma and aunt were put the flash on our phones with a crazy..

  15. I see this all the time now.... every single day on billboards, bills, YouTube video views, clocks, websites, license plates, USPS tracking numbers, just EVERYWHERE!

  16. this is very weird i see this number everywhere i go no matter what

  17. I also see this no everywhere i go...

  18. I always see this number in papers ir car plate everywhere and i feel i have to discern its meaning for my life

  19. I have been seeing 69 a bunch lately. And I used to wonder why until I saw this. I started seeing the number around the time things between me and this girl I really like got bad. We had an argument and it was done. It really hurts and I even tried sending her an apology, but no response. I believe my angels are trying to tell me to move on and let go. I really needed to see this. What you believe, you become.

  20. Same here..i too see the number 69 every now and my phone or in any newspaper..i dont know what's happening..i want an answer..m really eager to know about this..whether it's bad or something..i read the above answer but still i am really worried..plz reply.

  21. Same is happening with me..every now and then i see the number my phone newspaper and all of a sudden again i see this number..i read the above answer by joanne but i want to know about this thing..i mean whether its anything bad or good about it.i am really worried.

  22. Hi! I also experience the same thing as well! I am also seeing bunches og 69 all over my stuff same as with all of them like now in my battery in plate numbers and many more.. So that's why I also got here and you know what I am really having a bad day today but as the night goes by it becomes a little bit of a good one I really don't know what's the connection between all of these but since last year I am seeing the number 69 all over and I am being curious about that I also think that I am still dwelling in the past that's why my angels always give me this kind of a sign to move on from the past and to continue living in the present. :) well as we all know change is the only permanent thing in this world and I think 2016 is a great time to change... To change for the better❤️

    1. You need a Oscar for your comment, you made me cry. thanks a lot ...

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I'm really scared I've been seeing the number 69 everywhere I do it's showed up like 4 times today...I don't know what it means ...I prayed to God last night asking him to give me a sign to whether or not I'm pregnant....

  25. I'm really scared I've been seeing the number 69 everywhere I do it's showed up like 4 times today...I don't know what it means ...I prayed to God last night asking him to give me a sign to whether or not I'm pregnant...

  26. It could just be that you see the number "69" just as much as any other number, but you are noticing it more than the other ones because it is such a bold number.

  27. Its wierd because I always see number 69 in everywhere. My phone battery, other phone's battery. I mean I dont always pay attention to it but when I look at it I always catch it on 69. Its wierd because not just on gadgets but other stuffs. Thanks alot

  28. Same here. Sometimes when I turn on my phone, it shows the number "69." I have been seeing it everywhere. It's definitely more than 2-3 times a day. Things were also bad with my ex-girlfriend ever since we broke up. She doesn't respond anymore. I believe this number is telling me to let go and move on. The same goes for the rest of us if you're in the same similar situation as I am.

  29. I see 69 every day multiple times a day. . And i cant figure out if its telling me to say goodbye to someone i feel is my soul mate or to let go of my childs father

    1. Am in the same let us know what is it u am stuck in this same situation since 3 yrs now

  30. I used to keep a tally of how many times per day i seen "69"
    The record was between 25-29 times. In a week I seen it like 130 times. Still see it everywhere, but not as much. so interesting that so many other people have the same thing!

  31. Me too struggling with same problem 🙄

  32. Like many of you. I am seeing 69 a lot. I believe that there must be a reason behind this, so like you and googled it and I was bought to this blog. I realised that I see this number mainly on my gadgets.. I started to take note of when I would see it ... Then I gave up, felt stupid.

    I also think that this number might stand out more, than other numbers that I am seeing often too.

    I've also seperated from my boyfriend of 2 years about a month ago. I'm really missing him a lot too, and hope we will get back together as we really loved each other. I don't know but I need more sign to believe that a bigger and better man is out there for me. I know it's always said that after a fail relationship that there is someone better out there ... So the article is not really convincing to me that much about what the Angels are saying.

    I hope someone can give some feedback as hoe their lives have changed since seeing 69.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I see the number 69 every day - more than 15 times a day -

    my higher powers are directing me to a new state of change, but I must let go of a lot of things to do so

    I am a musician and was touring in colorado when a group of three people
    broke into my car and stole my entire backpack of music equipment, hard drive, and computer -

    the next day as I was on my way to file a report with police, I get rear ended from someone in a truck going 50mph while I'm at a complete stop- my car, I bought two months ago, was custom colored - and was perfect for is totaled. I am still suffering from trauma and pain but the universe reminds me every day that this is all temporary..

    two days after I got back to California from the accident, I got a 6 tattooed on my right toe - (organic) {my friend and tattoo artist did it free hand} - and a 9 on my left toe (electric) {we printed a photo of an electric alarm clock 9} -

    this will keep me grounded, and reassured that my life will soon be something to show for

    I have struggled with bullying, discrimination, rape, deceit, unfaithfulness, lies, fraud, burglary, mental illnesses, heartbreak, worry, depression, anxiety, and so much more -

    but in these days - I find clarity

    I am 4 and a half months clean off of drugs, alcohol, caffeine, and any other substance that alters the brain

    I am a vegan

    I am celibate

    and these things keep me grounded and humble - searching for my path...and finding it

    please find faith in these numbers -

    they are real

    and you are seeing them because you are a gift to this world -

    I love you

    thank you for this post


  35. I see the number 69 at least 15 times a day

    it has been brought up in my most important times in my life and I believe with all my heart that it is a symbol of new beginnings and letting go

    three months ago I was a victim of fraud and my bank took $3000 from me that I have been working four jobs in a year to save up for

    but we could go I was in Colorado onto her to promote my music

    The night after performing at a venue in Colorado Springs group of three people broke into my car and stole all of my music equipment including my mixer my keyboard my computer and my hard drive

    Music I have written since I was 12 years old will never be recovered now

    The day after as I was on my way to file a report with the police I got in a car accident and was rear ended by someone going about 50 mph while I was at a complete stop

    I had just bought that car two months ago it was custom colored and perfect for me and now it is totaled in a junkyard somewhere in Colorado

    these things happen

    such is life

    I have a background of mental illness rape deceit depression anxiety worry fraud identity confusion artistic blocks and so much more

    I find comfort and peace in these numbers

    two days after I got back to California after the accident I had 69 tattooed on my toes

    The six - my tattoo artist and good friend hand drew the six

    The nine was printed out from a photo of an electric alarm clock

    Half organic half electric

    if you see these numbers please find comfort in them

    you are seeing them for a special reason

    hi vagi Festassa Vicent

    you are here for a special reason

    I love you

    thank you


  36. I'm really scared of this 69 number... Every time i check on the progress of my phone charge,laptop charge,instagram likes i see this 69 thing. Recently i tried searchinh telepathy since my friend and i somehow keep saying the exact same thing at the same goddam time and my search finds me at numbers and then funny enough right now as I right I rem I'm born 96 so that's a 69 in reverse.. Can someone really explain this coz 69 has never Ben my number and its freaking me out

  37. I guess I stared noticing the 69 on phones and tablets about ohhh 5 years ago? I would just glance up. My battery was always at 69 percent. The time would be 609 or 906
    Anything downloading got stuck at 69 perfect
    Then it spread to cents most of the time my bank balance seems to end with .69 lol
    It just gets ridiculous after awhile. It's daily for years and years
    I work online, and it seems like 69s show up alot when work is slow or I'm dealing with customers that have negative natures.
    I'm Wondering if it's the angels saying take a break. Or do something else for awhile. I love my job though and as a stay at home mom it fits into my world.vs going to work outside in retail or something.

  38. I do find it odd how many of us become actually scared of 69 or almost feel it's a warning or negative, always felt that too, I really don't enjoy how much I see it, but when you think of it as humans what do we often really dislike, change and detaching, letting go. I ain't letting go of my online job I love it. And I think when I see the 69 everywhere during bad times at my job it does actually scare me I don't want to change jobs or let it go
    And I think it's that fear of change and fear of letting go that makes us 69 seeing people scared of our own number.
    We don't wanna lol

  39. Thank you
    69 has really shown me the meaning in all the pain that truly did not want to see or understand. I've been seeing this number for such long time years and till know after my second down fall with the same person I fanallY understand he's is born 1969 .Waow it's incredible how we choose not to see the truth only what we want to see. I'm a lightworker even we get of track many times.
    Thank you
    Angels for been so patiention with me

  40. I've been playing my console for so long and I've been seeing the 69 number along with some others like 1111, 222, 333, 444, 555 ,666 , 910 , 911. I understand this angel number a lot actually. Since I had my console I've been procrastinating on my homework assignments and at night when I want to sleep it's just causing me stress. So here forth I decide to stay away from my entertainments and truly understand what I takes to be a light worker to benefit me and my divine life purpose as an individual. Thanks! -8th grade student

  41. Just wanted to share my story:
    I have spent the past almost 16 yrs in a long distance, casual relationship with a man who was born in 1969. He's still around, but I have been trying to stop seeing him for almost 2 yrs now. The more I distance myself from him, the harder he tries to hold onto me.
    Last year I met a really awesome man! We have kept in touch. I really like him, but his circumstances are difficult, and although we were involved briefly, he isn't offering any kind of relationship. It's ironic that it seems I have run into the same scenario with him as with the other. Both just want casual...neither offering a relationship or commitment...but both expecting me to remain friends (with benefits). I'm too old to play games.
    So I had a reading done recently by a woman who gave me information that completely took my breath away. For years I've had my father (who died when I was 6...and my sister was 9) pop into my readings. Always the psychic mentions him sending me messages. Well this last reading, along with many other occurances (when my son was 4 yrs old, he told me I could talk to my father...that he would listen. My 4 yr old granddaughter recently told me that she met my father...he was sitting on my couch), has more than convinced me that my father is indeed one of my spirit guides. First thing he said at this most recent reading, was that there is something in my past that is blocking me, and I need to let it go. He also mentioned that he has no earthly worries anymore. Ever since that reading almost a month ago, I have been dreaming about the number 69...or 6 and 9...every night! My dreams are always about a man and the number 69...or 6 and 9...and after reading the meaning of the no. 69...I'm pretty sure I know what the Universe and my Angels are trying to tell me. Thank you so much!

  42. I've been on this page several times for last 8 or 9 months, and just like the other stories, I've been seeing this number everywhere. I mean to the point that I can't resist looking it up. That's why I keep coming back to this page, but every time I have read what it means, I'm left confused as far as the interpretation goes. It seemed to only partially make sense, but it was only when I read all the comments that it finally clicked. Many stories are of people who feel neglected by their love interest. They feel like they have to let go, but don't want to. Other stories mention a person who was born in 1969. And there's some that found some resolution by reading the meaning of the number. My story is a situation is similar to all these other stories. My love interest has been neglecting me. She was born in 1996, but Lord knows that I won't stop loving her. She's too special, I mean God is the one that guided me to her in the first place. Me meeting her has been a blessing, and another mystery of itself.
    Yes,I've been trying too hard to obtain something material that I know now to let go. I thought it was the only way to be with her, but guess I was wrong.
    If you're here looking for answers like the rest of us. Please read what other people have said about their mysterious encounter with this number. I'm sure you'll find your answer there.
    Something else I should really mention is that when I thought of writing, I looked at the time and it was 6:19. I took a shower, then saw a 69 shaped toothpaste stain on the sink. When I grabbed my cellphone to search for this page again. I happened to plug the charger which caused 69% Battery to flash on the screen. Then finally when I started to write this it was 9:16. I guess I'm being guided towards doing the right thing. It's all very strange.

    1. Hi how ru , what happened with your girl now, I hope everything is fine, I hAve a same kind of story cute little fucked up story , I hope its not fucked up story, I just wanna share with you, . I not kind of person chasing girls , I believe in love , but in my life I met a girl , the way we met is a like miracle , we both from different parts of world its like god made a way to meet her , I love her so much she is my first love and last in my life, then I started seeing numbers 666'222'444'555 I search in internet I found this blog idk what it mean exactly but I felt like I am blessed , its all good , its been 1yr we were slowly going into relationship . Chatting , hanging at work place ,exchanging feelings I thought we fell in , yes we did thing went like that ,we are in love with eachother , iam in crazy love with her . But oneday idk what happened she slowly avoiding me but I hold her coz I don't wanna lose her.I started seeing 69 everywhere, many people say in internet its a symbol for separation I was confused things are going like that one day I was passing through a street I was thinking about her I saw 69 sign Idk why I went that way I saw here and I texted her she didn't give me rply I felt bad but I love her afterthat she said you my frd , idk what to say I was broken fucked up I don't wanna lose here Idk what to do , I felt like there is no love in this world it is dominated by selfish, hate, money now a days love became a contract world is fucked now I am standing in darkness hope I see light u know what by birthday 0617 hers is 0716 if you jumble its same nxt month is her birthday I buy her some gifts etc and tell her everything what happened to me, she sometimes text me at 222,444,555 time I thought Angel are helping us idk she is seeing the numbers are not , it hurts a lot ... a lot ,
      I wish this should not happen to anybody , idk what happens nxt , I hope she comes back and stay with me , if separation is reason we met ,idk why god made us to meet each other , but I love her by the way I not kidding the time I started typing is 9:06
      Thank you

    2. Rply must plz

    3. Hi 69 I’m a big fan of you

  43. Hello.... From past few days whenever I look at my phone I use to see no. 69. It made me feel little scared. Plzzzz do tell me about this.

  44. yeah me too whenever I think about turning my phone on to do something like text someone or edit photos my phone seems to be on 69% and today i had the white screen of death on my phone and as soon as i fixed it and turned it back on it was on 69%

  45. Hello, Everyone it's weird I guess I'm not the only one victim of number 69. So after searching for answer in Google I found this blog and I read some of above comment many of use have seen 69 randomly so I want to share some my story too, a few months a ago I fell down backward from a 12ft ceiling, I hit my back body and i cannot breath and almost die but luckily i was save by my cousin i survive without getting any compound fracture spinal cord or any part of the body most importantly my head I thanks God for that, after accident I started seeing weirdo 69 number in my phone battery, alarm clock,in the wall picture or Everywere anyplace anytime in past few days so I'm so worried and scare and confused I ask my self what is this I think must search in Google, BTW I don want to ask my parents because they will think I'm crazy after the fall so.. U know, so anyway I just want to known that,if anyone can explain to me that is this a good sign or bad omen or whatever I just really want to know it.

  46. Hello Guys,
    This is AdityA. I'm from India. Now I'm 20.
    This year I bought a bike and coincidently I got plate number starting from 69. Also in the same year, in the January I got a jacket. And it has big 69 number printed on it.
    Now this is my exam time, and also I got Exam Seat no. Ending as 69.
    And I recently broke my friendship with the person I like most. She is my very best friend. But I'm too depressed why I did it. Its kinda hurting inside. I don't want to lose, tomorrow or forever.

  47. battery phone as always, find out that the bank account number has a 69, when i read a book i'm always passing pages without looking in which i am, as soon as i arrive to a 69, 169,269, i look down not consciously, it just happen;s, and i found something related to my life, found sotires with years 69 and a lot other things that i wish remember those.. i;ve been a kind of person who cared for otherperson's feelings, help, support them, didnt want to use people even that i could. Now after all, i just lost myself, i'm tired, heaving no desired for anything, depressed.
    I'm an Atheist, i dont believe spiritual ways, but as many times my life got worse, i always end up seeing 69 often and often, its just like i;m hanging on in something that i shouldent, just i dont know what!?

  48. Everyday I'm seeing this number 69 I'm glad that I got to read this because it was wired to me always seeing this number and not knowing wat it means

  49. Thank you so much.
    I thought something bad is gonna happen to me. I had a heartBreaking situation just before i started seeing 69 everywhere.
    Thank you.

  50. I dreamed last night that I had awoken from sleep to discover that my fit bit tracks the number of words I speak in my sleep. I saw that I had spoken 69 words in my sleep. I was excited (and curious about what the words were). I told my sister, who was sharing the room with me (in my dream) that several nights earlier I had "sleep-talked" 69 words, too!

  51. I dreamed last night that I had awoken from sleep to discover that my fit bit tracks the number of words I speak in my sleep. I saw that I had spoken 69 words in my sleep. I was excited (and curious about what the words were). I told my sister, who was sharing the room with me (in my dream) that several nights earlier I had "sleep-talked" 69 words, too!

  52. Hello everybody  I have a story of my life   cute little fucked up story , I hope its not fucked up story, I just wanna share with you all coz I hAve nobody else to share, I am telling in short cut way  . I not kind of person chasing girls , I believe in love , but in my life I met a girl , the way we met is a like miracle , we both from different parts of world its like god made a way to meet her , I love her so much she is my first love and last in my life, then I started seeing numbers 666'222'444'555 I search in internet I found this blog idk what it mean exactly but I felt like I am blessed , its all good , its been 1yr we were slowly going into relationship . Chatting , hanging out  ,exchanging feelings I thought we fell in  love , yes we did thing went like that ,we are in love with eachother , iam in crazy love with her . But oneday idk what happened she slowly avoiding me but I hold her coz I don't wanna lose her.I started seeing 69 everywhere, many people say in internet its a symbol for separation I was confused things are going like that one day I was passing through a street I was thinking about her I saw 69 sign Idk why I went that way I saw here and I texted her she didn't give me rply I felt bad but I love her afterthat she said you my frd , idk what to say I was broken fucked up I don't wanna lose here Idk what to do , I felt like there is no love in this world it is dominated by selfish, hate, money now a days love became a contract. world is fucked now I am standing in darkness hope I see light u know what my birthday 0617 hers is 0716 if you jumble its same , its crazy when I noticed it. nxt month is her birthday I buy her some gifts,  cake,etc and tell her everything what happened to me , I hope she understands, she sometimes text me at 222,444,555 timeings I thought Angel are helping us idk she is seeing the numbers are not , it hurts a lot ... a lot ,
    I wish this should not happen to anybody , idk what happens nxt , I hope she comes back and stay with me , if separation is reason we met ,idk why god made us to meet each other , but I love her by the way I not kidding the time I started typing is 9:06, battery% 69 , and I see always number 211 and thats her house number  idk really what it means to me but iam really confused with my numbers and whats going around me sometimes I see her name too  , and I love her she is not around , I feel like I am lost I hate my life sometimes . But frds dont forget your parents we are here coz of them they are real love , nobody can perform your character better than you,  I remember a dialogue from rango " no man can walk out of his own story"
    Thank you  for listening .

    That's the story of my life

  53. I am just seeing 69 everywhere 10 times a day, this happend since I've seen a girl at my collage but the way she looked at me was crazy never been in this position i feel she was just a uniqe girl, I just can't do shit but just thinking about that girl, if she is the reason i keep seeing number 69 idk but i am in bad bad situation

  54. Hey everyone,
    We are all blessed ,that's what I think !!!
    We are all special people,torchbearers ,Lightworker with pure hearts !!!
    Before reading most of the comments (they closely relate & that's awesome) the first thing I though after seeing 69 & reading Joanne's interpretation was my distance relationship with a man I know since the age of 15!!!
    We had a huge crush on each other back in the day & I've always felt some attachment ,obsession with him.
    Nothing really happened back then,we went our own ways!!!
    Last time we saw each other was when we were both 23 years old.
    We happened to work at the same bar in our home city back home.
    There was always this crazy connection and mutual a attraction going between us.
    However at that point he was in a serious relationship with another girl and nothing happened in between us.
    Except of course that the mutual feelings have always been present.
    That's all.
    Later that year I moved to live and work abroad in London,England(where I have lived and still live right now & for the past 17 years).
    Since that time and throughout all those years I've thought of this guy ,randomly ...,can't say that it was often at all.However what was stricking for me was the feeling I got when I though of him.
    I always had this warm ,caring feeling when remembering him....
    Never even once did I think of trying to recconect ...strange ha?!
    Then last year ,October 2016 after the split with my ex (we loved each other a lot,but it was way to complicated ,so we managed to end the relationship after 6 years),I had a very bad dream...
    I had a dream that the guy from my past dies in front of my eyes crushing onto a mountain near a sea....
    I woke up shaken with fear and excitement at that same time...
    It was sooo weird....
    This was the moment when I though that I'll try to find him....
    And I did find him on FB.
    We hit it back on where we left it....
    Sooo we started this long distance relationship (he lives in Mallorca & i live in London)...,since October last year(2016).
    I travelled 4 times to Mallorca and he travelled once to London in that time.
    Over this 10 months period and from the very first time that i went to visit him ,I knew somehow that he is not my guy....,we are way too different (but that's not the point),because we are so much alike,as we are complex isn't it...
    However I decided to give the relationship a chance and be patient...
    It's a very difficult ,but we love each other....
    So here is my story & i can't believe I'm actually writhing it....

    1. The number 69 apairs in my daily routine as guide for me being on the right path. Since I started to get rid of all my bad habbids at 18 years old (I'm 20 now). I've been seeing it ever since. But only if I'm on the right track. I have been struggling to get rid of my addictions, biggest one has been my addiction to weed and every time I am getting sober I see this number again and again. As a highly sensitive human being it's a hard world to live in for me but I am sure this number along with others as 88/818 and 33 will help me stay on my path.

      I've been going trough so much the last 2 years that I can't remember everything but your knowledge of the numbers has saved me in a lot of ways. So if you ever read this Joanne, I'm very thankful for all that you've done to help people get in contact with ther guides as well as me. Much love coming your way from the Nethetlands

    2. WOW!!! I Recently Went Through My Own Transformation and I Prayed For My Ex To Also Go Through One
      AMAZING!!! Lately I've Been Seeing This Number All Time..Ty

  55. We are together-apart.....
    And I think our relationship will only survive this way,at least for the moment....fortunately or unfortunately...
    So what I'm getting right now from this number 69 at this very moment it's that it's neither one side or the other .....IT IS THE BALANCE IN BETWEEN THE 6 & 9,THE BALANCE BETWEEN HIM AS A PERSON AND ME AS A PERSON!!!
    He loves me or so he tells me from the start ,I think he has loved me all his life....
    I on the other hand I'm unsure of my feelings for him ....
    I mean I have this very very strong feelings for him,like I want to help him heal,like care for him (regardless of how difficult he makes that,because of how rough he is in most his ways!!!),like he needs me and I need him too !!!
    He is representing both 6 & 9 at the same time,a total contradiction !!!
    He is this gentle,soft,caring,even romantic and loving person & this rough ,though ,helpless,hurt,week ,insecure ,confused ...person at the same time....
    So this are the conclusions that are hitting me right now....
    I think I might be in love with him....i don't know....
    We are sure yet to see where it will all go....,but for now we are here and getting to know each other slowly ,at a distance and trying to find that balance....between us as a two different people & the balance within us!!!
    I've created a lovely page on FB that he decided to follow,it is a healing page and page /blog that helps me find my self,heal my self and others !!!
    He changes ...& that's beautiful !!!
    I love a challenge and I live to help people in need!!! My reason for being!!! By helping people,I am helping my self!!!♡♡♡
    I am happy,truly happy that I see the change I am !!!♡♡♡
    Stay blessed people & if you so wish ,please follow me at "Walk Beside Me " blog page on FB .
    Stay blessed and love your self!!!
    Believe in humanity !!!
    Health,Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡
    I AM HAPPY !!! ♡♡♡

  56. Hi im stephen c dueñas from phillipines and i not fully understand what is the meaning of it i always see 69 number repeatedly can someone helf and tell what to what is that why i always see that number thankyou

  57. Hello im 27 years old . From georgia i think all of us has brought us number 69 . First i noticed this number 1 year ago . I was seeing it every were i was even tired of it . Th same what u write here . Than istatted to think that its some kind of sign from universe . First i thought im dying ar age 69 or its cheap sex pose or what the fuck . And finally i realised what is this . The more i diges in meaning of number i discoverd that im koundedwith this number my son is cancer wich zodiac symbolis 69 . My family car turned out hs bumbers 69aswell . Im born 1990 . So if u turn nine its also69. I cant explain how many times ina day i see 69 . I was thinking to make tatoo (69 is everywere ) ... my cumire is dawid bowie who was born in 19969 and died in age 69.... i bond myself also with alistor crawly .tgere a lot i found in common. So my opinion after 1 year seiing 69 is that . First of all its a sign from universe that i need to find balance. Yin yang simbol . Also its a key to meditation . U have seen 69 so many times ur concous can vizualaise it in a secend when u close ur eyes . So tecnique os like this . (Lay down. In peace visualize number 69 in beatween ur eyes(eye of horus) third eye . Than u can easily visualaize yan yang simbol ... u have to try severel times beafore u can fell in trance kind of fealling . This is to turn off ur brain fro whatever it takes to rest in peace with ur mind and we neeed this to keep calm .... ) i have done it and it works . And also if i have pannoc attack or something its fast to think about 69 amd also can help . Im sure theres lot i need to know about this wonerfull or cursed number . But i think if u noticed it it means u are special himen that u are in search of inner world . And cling it dont live in a matrix world . Theres so much more than material plane . L.o.v.e nia from georgia ❤️Tbilsii

    1. You are right Nia gvatua. Meditation did the trick of understanding

  58. Hi, just wanna share my experience. Over the past few days i have stopped seeing 69 even if i tried to intentionally, after starting seeing this number over and over again for the past few month. I'm not sure if what i did has somehow wanting to let me know that 'You have found the meaning..'

    I realize this is happening because i was too much in tune with self hatred,obsession, lost of hope and lost of interest in anything and everything in life. Well, not to the extent of committing suicide, it's just that nothing i do seems to matter anymore. And not wanting to do anything else anymore.

    And so, instead of running away, had to push and punish myself to find answers for this frequent appearance of number 69, which led me here. I read all the comments and felt deep connection with all, as i went through the same experience.

    Then my journey began, i've tried finding relation in math, astrology, mystic arts & ancient history, anything relevant to 69. All seems very off the chart, as i still don't feel it was the right answers.

    Then i went back to this blog, read it again and tried to make a pattern. I can relate to those who have a crush/likeness for someone, they cant seem to let go. Its a powerful trigger indeed. I strongly believe i'm seeing this number because i have the same strong feeling aswell.

    So, i try thinking out of this vacuum and look at a different perspective..the number 69 itself, the representation and symbolic point of view. I notice its a balance of 'ying-yang' also one of the infinite number of which the number itself will represent the same value even if u turn it around..well, thats just my thought, i could be wrong.

    So i took one of my feeling,..and trying to break loose from this cycle..i cant. it doesn't work that way.It keeps coming back.Then i used yin-yang..trying to find the opposite..and there it was..used the opposite. From obsession/feeling cant let go of someone into passion/submission/letting go was damn hard but i tried and tried and tried and tried..and there it was..the number was no longer complete..i only started seeing either 1 number at a time..either 6..or 9..but never together..

    i still am fighting till this day..i will share again once the time comes

  59. For me I start seeing 69 after I learned about that is a sex position (for me). And I know going to rent a apartment with number 69, and I starting to see it everywhere. But it's your own unconscious that is communicating with you. It's trying to figure out your problems. Don't look for answer outside of yourself, take everything thing in. It's actually called mindfulness. And a thought is not you, it's just stock of your l can't accept it's self. You have to be selfish to make your ego smaler, and you have to be respectful and humble to not be danger when your selfish. It will change your world. You are consusness inside of a animal. Get help if you think that is responsible.

  60. Olá! Sou brasileira...
    Tenho visto o 69 desde o final do ano passado -2017...e isso tem me chamado atenção. Estou passando por transformações internas incríveis...o cosmo está se comunicando!

  61. Hello there. I have been seeing Number 69 almost everywhere. I used to think it’s funny but been few days I see this number everywhere. I was born on 15th April and it was lunar eclipse . 6+9 is 15. Some weirds things are happening I see shadows but it’s hard for me to believe because I am a psychology student. I saw number 69 exactly at 11:11 am. I am trying to figure things out I am living without shelter right now. I hope I will get some insight from here. Waiting for your reply.

  62. I have been noticing that when I look up angel numbers that material means anything that can be experienced and manifested into this material plane. i.e. possessions, jobs, people, relationships, and/or situations. So for me, when this said get rid of materials that no longer serves you that means anything in this reality or material plane that is hindering you or not pushing you toward your highest good and fullest potential. This really helped me. Thank you!

  63. I also see number 69 so often ,at first when I did it was coincidence for me,but it started increaseing for me ,everytime I checked my phone battery randomly more often I see 69%, and at the first it was funny for me bcuz 69 it's a sexual number I was like wtf is wrong with me!, but then it started to scare me for example when I screenshot something sometimes my eyes goes on phone battery and I see 69% even in the screnshot!, I was asking my self why do I always remember to check my phone battery when it's 69%! So anyway I Googled it which lead me to this page I don't believe in this shit I'm Muslim and I never believed this kind of stuff but I see that it can't be coincidence and I see much people same as me, anyway I started seeing it last 3-4 months so after I opened this link and read all and the comments I was thinking when did I start seeing this and I think it's when I had crush on a girl from college and I never loved and hard to be interested on a girl but that girl was like love from first sight for me,and I told her how I feel about her and she seems to be same she said she also had crush on me and we were talking together like about tow months and we even talked about marriage, it's was strong for me when I saw her I knew I'm in love and I understand love first time I saw her, over the time some wrong thoughts and her friends thoughts about me make her don't trust me, so anyway we stopped talking about 3-4 months ago and was really hard for me I was always thinking like who am I gonna marry who am I gonna forget this and she was on my mind all the time and I think that was when I started seeing 69, and why I'm mentioning this bcuz I think my angel is showing me this number to forget the past and live the present and wait for the future, and also that I'm gonna stop living this circle life, I'm a personal trainer and latly I'm getting so tired at my work and spend too much time at the gym which I don't have time to do other stuff, all I do is gym diet awful sleep and again Fridays r only day that I get out of the circle, and I'm hoping that this will end soon but it's hard to forget that girl cuz I'm going to see her again when I start to go back to college on September..... And I know it's a long one but I wanted to share this, it's weird but I'm believeing this

  64. It's been couple years with no angel number
    It seemed very right when've read it after typing 6 instead of 9 for my phone password
    Walmsley doing well
    Joanne love u alhasan

  65. It's been awhile since i've read angel numbers. It seemed very true after I missed a 6 for 9 on my phone password.. I thought Walmsley might be doing what's named real work on this planet.

  66. Could you christians please leave this site alone, nobody cares for your dogma. If you really are so spritually superior why are you even on here. I ejoy and appreciate the positive information this site provides. Thank you so and peace to all 🕉

  67. So I started seeing the number 69 years ago and it continued for at least 2 years. This mild obsession with the synchronicity with 69 made me think something great was just going yo happen, in the form of monetary and physical gains. I wasted loads of money on the lottery and every loss kept me disappointed more and more that nothing was happening. My life at the time was as pathetic as most other early 20 yr olds, broke enough to not live on my own and making just enough to waste money at bars and restaurants with my boyfriend and friends. The people in my life were great but my soul devouring job and living with my parents it was enough to make feel like a starved tiger in a cage trying to claw my way out of everything and eating up anything that was presented to me. So one day my boyfriend's friend presented an idea that we're could move to seattle and get the army to pay for our housing so that we ate that hope pie instantly. Within 5 months we uprooted our lives from Kentucky to washington with about $2,000 combined and a gsuaranteed place to live for a month until we figure the Army GI Bill out. Shit got real rough after that, almost even went homeless... then fast forward 4 years and here I am again feeling like a starved tiger in a cage- setting the number 69 on anything and everything i glance at. I do believe 69 is a message that change is needed to rebalance needed yourself and sometimes you have to leave behind the ones you care for because they may be holding you back. It was true then. But This time I need them I think I need to leave this city because I've fulfilled the balance within myself and I need to go towards them. This is my story hopefully it'll help you and if something else big happens and I come up with a different theory I'm going to post it.

  68. This number is a new addition to my list of various repetitive numbers... Off late ... They have increased many folds ... Wondering some energies are making it happen . I found ...69 unique ..And right about now ...I just put my hands up in the air ..And said ..I want change ..I deserve good things in life ...I am ready to be happy ...And after 2 mins pick up my phone and the battery shows ...69 .... Intrigued, thought I need to look up this new number that's showing up lately.... Hope what you have written is true .. with that trust I move ahead ..With complete surrender to the universe ...
    God bless you ..🙏

  69. 69 has been popping up a lot lately again for me... its been years since I have seen it this often.... not sure what it means this time around but all I want to know is if I should quit my job even during this epidemic sweeping the country taking away all of our jobs.... Had to talk to a psychologist just to help me stop thinking about ending my life. I want to run away so far away that I don't have to worry about what I worry right now. I'd run away to a third world country just so I could worry about how survive only and nothing else. I have too much on my plate and I just want to toss that shit in the trash. I've been thinking about quitting my job to volunteer but then I have to make money somehow … I have no time to relax, to dream, to not worry and it fucking sucks ass. I am trying to make money while going to school but it is god damn hard. It wouldn't be so bad if I was making at least enough to not be stressed about making rent and bills but alas that's not the case. I can't help but feel like there is too much bullshit in this world too and my heart can't take it, my mind can't take it. I don't know where to start and where to end things.

  70. Is it odd that a lot of big corporations were founded in 69'? Gap, Standard Chartered, Konami, AMD, Sysco, Wendy’s, Royal Caribbean International, Danahar Corporation and many more... It was a 7 year (1+9+6+9=25=7)so I don't know if that has anything to do with it could be just a coincidence. My boyfriend's mom was born on 1969 and her favorite number was 69 not because of her birth year... now she is homeless in Arizona, BUT she was EXTREMELY intelligent. She has her masters degree in psychology, she became a manager for Delta even before her degree, she found 10k in a briefcase at the mall, she was a high roller in las vegas. The lady was amazing and lucky and loved her kids, but she chose drugs.... its fucking sad she sounded like a really fun go with wind person who had a big heart and would help anyone in need. She was always fighting internal battles though... and I kind of feel like her. I feel like I try to do the right thing but then my selfishness disguises itself and tricks me into choosing my own wants over the needs of others. I don't see myself as a selfish person I just feel like I am missing out on things, I feel like I need to fill a hole...

  71. No one has a divine life purpose. The concept of Angel Numbers is flawed. How do you explain evil people, victims of crimes and disease and all tge other misfortunes/traumas of people?

    We exist and then die. What happens in between depends on the circumstances you find yourself in.

    If Angels were real they would ensure that the so called chosen ones "lightworkers" or whatever BS term referred to had a fighting chance in a world that rewards narcissism, greed and cutting corners.

    Its hard to have faith in messages that are deliberately generic and vague and don't really say anything.

    Given the world doesnt owe you anything. You dont owe it anything either.

    Just try to be good

  72. �� Facts right there
