Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Number 476 is a combination of the energies and attributes of number 4, the influences of number 7 and the vibrations of number 6. Number 4 resonates with patience, devotion, application, willpower and effort, traditional values, stability and ability, building solid foundations and working determinately and diligently towards achieving goals. Number 4 relates to the energies of the Archangels. Number 7 brings the vibrations of spiritual awakening and spiritual development, mysticism and the esoteric, empathic and psychic abilities, long-sightedness, deep contemplation and introspection, study, learning and education and persistence of purpose. Number 6 relates to love of home and family and domesticity, service to others and selflessness, responsibility and reliability, grace and gratitude, providing for the self and others, and nurturing. Number 6 also resonates with finding solutions and overcoming obstacles.

Angel Number 476 is a message about the monetary and financial aspects of your life. Your angels encourage you to continue working on your life mission with passion and purpose, and give any fears to them for healing and transmutation. Trust that all will be taken care of and all of your needs will be met.  

Angel Number 476 signifies that it is a wonderful time for you right now, and your angels encourage you to enjoy your experiences and blessings. Stay positive and keep up the great work to continue manifesting abundance.

Angel Number 476 suggests that you work towards gaining more spiritual knowledge and wisdom and incorporating it into your daily life. Trust that you and your family will be provided for and your needs will be met as you focus on your inner-urgings and soul promptings.

Choose your thoughts to be aligned with all that is for your highest good and greatest joy.

Number 476 is related to number 8 (4+7+6=17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. wow , I saw this number all summer and part of winter all over the place. Ive been in college and really haven't noticed any numbers lately because I'm working hard in college. I hope these numbers still pop up from time to time while I'm in college. Would be nice to know I'm doing the right thing.

  2. A man's voice spoke this number to me clearly in my mind during the early morning hours today so I had to look it up online. This Angel Number revelation is spot on. Ty... and ty God.

  3. A man's voice spoke this number to me clearly in my mind during the early morning hours today so I had to look it up online. This Angel Number revelation is spot on. Ty... and ty God.

  4. Can anyone speak of the trials they are facing? Because when I heard this number, it was vivid and clear. "476 Juanita..476." Initially, I found myself thinking it was all in my imagination. This was around 3am. It completely disrupted my sleep, so I knew this was not just a simple "476". Currently, I am going through all sorts of disruption. Emotionally, mentally, and financially - Especially financially. It almost feels as if I cannot hold on to anything. The only thing I have at this very moment is my spirituality. I am holding on to my faith; however, sometimes even that is struggle. I have to remind myself to stay in the present moment, for if I decide to think longitudinally, it almost feels like destitute. So, when I heard this number, initially I thought maybe I should play the cash three. However, something in my spirit did not sit well. I decided to look this up. However, although this is very interesting to know, I also want to understand why now and what does this all mean. Anyone willing to share their story? Maybe with it I can piece together what is happening.

  5. Can anyone speak of the trials they are facing? Because when I heard this number, it was vivid and clear. "476 Juanita..476." Initially, I found myself thinking it was all in my imagination. This was around 3am. It completely disrupted my sleep, so I knew this was not just a simple "476". Currently, I am going through all sorts of disruption. Emotionally, mentally, and financially - Especially financially. It almost feels as if I cannot hold on to anything. The only thing I have at this very moment is my spirituality. I am holding on to my faith; however, sometimes even that is struggle. I have to remind myself to stay in the present moment, for if I decide to think longitudinally, it almost feels like destitute. So, when I heard this number, initially I thought maybe I should play the cash three. However, something in my spirit did not sit well. I decided to look this up. However, although this is very interesting to know, I also want to understand why now and what does this all mean. Anyone willing to share their story? Maybe with it I can piece together what is happening.

  6. I saw 476 on license plates today ,so I decided to look it up.. very excited to notice a new angel number ... I also see 479 alot too ,so much is being revealed to me .. so grateful #1 fan angels

  7. Wow!!!! Back again , so much have improved since . Ive come out on top . The ony way to go for me is up. Stay positive and treat people right and you will SOAR. #1FAN
