Monday, September 12, 2011


Number 467 is a blend of the vibrations of number 4, the energies of number 6 and the attributes of number 7. Number 4 resonates with practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, inner-wisdom, and diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose, the energies of the Archangels. Number 6 adds its vibrations of love of home, family and domesticity, honesty and integrity, responsibility, compassion and empathy, provision and providing and the material aspects of life. Number 7 brings its influences of faith and peace, education and learning, persistence of purpose, inner-strength and inner-knowing, spiritual awakening and spiritual development, understanding the self and others, mysticism and psychic abilities.

Angel Number 467 is a message of ‘congratulations’ from the angels. They have been supporting and encouraging you along your life path and applaud you for placing emphasis and focus upon your personal spiritual growth. Your depth of understanding is being highlighted at this time so listen to your intuitive knowing and use it for your highest good. Listen to your intuition and inner-voice and you will take many positive steps towards a more comfortable and suited inner-life, outer-life and lifestyle. The angels encourage you to continue on your current path and applaud your commitment and courage.

Angel Number 467 is a message that you are on the right path and are successfully manifesting material and spiritual rewards. Be encouraged to continue in this vein, knowing that you are well-blessed and loved.

All wisdom and knowledge is available to you right here and now because you are one with the Universal Mind (or Universal Energies, Source, God ... however you wish to relate).

Number 467 relates to number 8 (4+6+7=17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS



JoW Pottery

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  1. "Universal Mind" hmm, interesting. Never heard of that before but I can understand what it means and how it relates to me.

  2. Thank you thank light and divine blessings to all the beings

  3. The other day, while driving in traffic, I noticed two cars in front of me. One had the last three digits of the plate # as 467, and the car ahead of it had the last three digits as 764. I thought that was very interesting, and unusual, and I've never seen anything like that before! Is there a meaning to that reversal of the same numbers one after the other?

    1. This is crazy. I'm on break in walmarts parking lot eating lunch and notice to cars separated by a basket checkpoint. One has 764 To the left of the basket checkpoint and the other was 467. And it looked as if they were mirroring each other. This is the coincident that lead me to searching these numbers

    2. God can add up to 764.
      G is the 7th letter
      O is the 15th; 1+5=6
      And D is the 4th.

  4. The other day, while driving in traffic, I noticed two cars in front of me. One had the last three digits of the plate # as 467, and the car ahead of it had the last three digits as 764. I thought that was very interesting, and unusual, and I've never seen anything like that before! Is there a meaning to that reversal of the same numbers one after the other?

    1. Same thing happened to me the other day!! Now I’m research those three numbers! Let me know what you find beyond this article and I’ll do the same:)

  5. Had the craziest dream last night went into a store with really good lighting it was bright I seen a girl I knew but never really talked to I said hey to her and started to walk around looking at everything next thing I knew there was a couple of guys that came in and started grabbing stuff and running out the store I ran after them idk why but when I left the store I was in a hallway of a sketchy motel or apartment and I was walking around and stopped in front of the door 467 no one was there but I stared at it for a while and some guy with long hair appeared and said “so you’re here” I woke up sweating so bad it was bothering me all morning but maybe this is the sign
