Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Number 916 is a blend of the energies and vibrations of number 9 and number 1, and the attributes of number 6. Number 9 is the number of the Universal Spiritual Laws, an expansive viewpoint and a higher perspective, leading life as a positive example for others, duty and calling, benevolence and altruism, and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 1 relates to independence and uniqueness, motivation, assertiveness and action, striving forward and new beginnings, positivity and achieving success. Number 1 brings a reminder that we create our own reality and encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and step towards new directions and opportunities. Number 6 resonates with home and family, domesticity, expressing grace and gratitude, emotional depth, service to others and selflessness, responsibility and reliability, providing for the self and others, care and nurturing, and finding solutions.

Angel Number 916 encourages you to awaken yourself to the power of unconditional, infinite love and gratitude. Connect to your inner-self in the present moment and create balance and harmony within. Be open to all ways and possibilities that positive things can manifest into your life, and acknowledge and appreciate them when they present. You will feel liberated and lighter once you understand that the only thing holding you back is you.

Angel Number 916 brings a message from your angels that your prayers, optimism and positive affirmations will bring improvements to all conditions and situations in your life. Stay focused on your life’s work and soul mission and you will manifest an abundance supply and all of your monetary and material needs will be met. Stay positive in attitude and outlook to rapidly manifest positive outcomes and results in your life. Trust that endings and closures in your life will lead to auspicious new opportunities.

Angel Number 916 is a message that the angels are helping you to clear away and heal any anxieties, concerns and limiting belief-patterns in regards to your life purpose and the material and monetary issues in your life. Let go of your fears and allow abundance to freely enter your life. Trust that you deserve good things and expect and accept Divine blessings in your life.

Number 916 relates to number 7 (9+1+6=16, 1+6=7) and Angel Number 7.



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  1. 916, or, 9-16 is my number. it was the birthday of a very very dear friend that passed away many years ago. that number and his name and many signs that remind me of him come to me many times a day. i have told a lot of people, but really explained the depth of it to only a few close friends, and they believe me that it is him. i know he comes to me everyday because i keep him alive in my dreams and memories.

  2. Thank you so much for this! I have seen this number so many times today and this makes PERFECT sense!! Blessings to You. ~Suzi Rayve~

  3. This is truly amazing, I also suspected numbers to be significant to our lives but never understood how much. I left a relationship with a man, that I wasn't married to, 6 yrs 9 months ago. His birthday is 9/16/41Although I tried desperately to not allow myself be affected every time I saw that number, I was! But GOD kept me on track and eventually I learned to embrace and get over the lose but gain. Only HE knew it was time for new beginnings, abundance, overflow, Peace, joy and happiness awaiting me and my family, not to mention restoration. So reading this only confirms what the Holly Spirit has been ministering to me and I'm even more hopeful and confident that it's all about to happen...OVERFLOW!!!! New beginnings!!! Thank you for this added insight

  4. so I was born on 9/16 and I always see it on time and it so makes since now thank you

  5. Hi thank you. I have been seeing these numbers at many places for so many years. Guess what as I was reading this just now, the time was 9.16
    I benefited from the info here.
    Thank you.

  6. These numbere have led me great places but to a poor dishwasher a spiritual career doesnt seem possible stable or even legit.

    1. I felt I should reply..keep working on it..
      Theres no such thing as a spiritual career its a lifestyle..its growth. Its change..try looking at different perspectives..good things are just around the corner!

  7. Also born on 9:16 and see it everywhere. :)

  8. OMG yesssssssss this is great i was just blessed this morning i was asking the universe questions and they were answered.

  9. I was born in 1976, my sons mother phone number started with 916, I met my fiancé in 1996, my coach called my pass play in high school 916, my assistant coach who I have won 4 National Championships with birthday is 9/16. The number follows me through life.

  10. Hi i dont know if this page replys back? But anyway i used constantly see 11:11 up until the 21/10/15 when i had a NDE goin to work ever since i got out of hospital on november 2015 i keep seeing 9:16 am/pm it was truly a miracle how i survived and recovered from a severe TBI any guidance would be great thank's

    1. I had an NDE in 1999. Since then I see the number 916 everywhere. An angel had put me back in my body and asked me "What do you want?" as she held me.

  11. My mother's birthday was 916.. I saw it for a year before she passed and now years later I still see it all the time.. the explanation of the angel number makes so much sense to me..Thank You!

  12. This is my birthday as well and I see it everywhere: in people's phone numbers, random addresses, &the time. I even see it in different variations such as 0916, 619, or 691. This is truly a magical number.

    1. My bday is also 9/16 and I see 916 and 619 constantly

  13. Awesome message!!! Totally on point , as always !!!
    Thank you Joanne & thank you Angels !!!
    Always and forever grateful!!!
    Stay blessed people, as we all are!!!
    Love,peace and Light to all !!!♡♡♡

  14. 9:16 or 916 0r 619 is a number I keep seeing when I look at the clock. Truly my angels are working overtime to get a message through to me. Thank you for the explanation. Really very helpful.

  15. just read this and I'm getting my numbers tatted!! I was born 9/16! I also see it all the time on the clock! But what's crazy is it's everywhere I seem to look the address on the next block the car wash around the corner license plates I see it literally everywhere! I thought it was only me bow I'm super stoked that I'm not the only one!!

  16. Thank you💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

  17. Hello my jessyka and my Twins were born on 9/16/09 but my son passed away on 4/20/14 and I always see 916 and 420 almost everyday it is amazing because I know he is still here with us guiding and protecting us we love jailauni

  18. I thank you for your blog it caught my eye in 2015 BEEN TO Hell and BACK but know l know it's just JUST HOLY ENERGIES...NOTHING OUTSIDE OUR DIVINE SELF ??? TRUTH tanks to You.

  19. 916! READY TO RECEIVE!!! Thank you Angels Thank you Joanne! 🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲🤲🌼🌼🌼🐞🐞🐞💰💰💰💸💸💸💓💓💓💏💏💏🎁🎁🎁🦄🦄🦄

  20. So excited for great things to finally unfold for the better in my life . So looking forward for this . #1Fan Thank you Universe/God (source)

  21. ive been praying every single day and i madea vow to not go back to my old ways andi kept that vows to keep making my daily prayers and i found a neckace in my car it was in the far back seat with 916 on name with the name of allah in arabic it was truly a blessing i dont take it forgranted but abundant of opportunity keep coming my way and helping be in position for my family to move forward all praise to allah always
